
Women's Health

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Women's Health services offered in Bellmore, NY

Women have a unique set of health needs, and many place those needs at the end of a long list of to-do items. Dr. Ura Shin L.Ac, DTCM, offers women’s health support through her work at Alma Acupuncture in Bellmore, New York. When you’re ready to learn more, booking a visit takes just moments, whether you choose to connect with the practice online or by phone. 

Women's Health Q&A

How does acupuncture play a role in women’s health?

Acupuncture is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, which holds that many different health issues are caused or complicated when your life energy cannot flow easily throughout your body. This energy, called qi, flows through channels called meridians. 

Acupuncture uses thin treatment needles inserted into your skin to release blocked chi or improve stagnant flow. In Western medicine, acupuncture stimulates the nerves and triggers changes in muscle and connective tissues. 

Acupuncture can do wonders for enhancing menstrual health. From reducing cramping and nausea to regulating your menstrual cycle, acupuncture is a great way to make this time of the month easier to navigate. 

Additional women’s health issues that can be treated using acupuncture include:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular cycle
  • Endometriosis 
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Infertility
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Postpartum pain
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Post operative scarring
  • Perimenopausal, Menopausal symptoms

Can acupuncture offer women’s health fertility improvements?

Are you trying to get pregnant without success? You’re not alone. In the United States, about 1 in 5 women cannot get pregnant within one year of trying. Acupuncture has a lot to offer those struggling with their fertility.

In fact, many women begin treatments as soon as they begin trying to conceive. Acupuncture can help regulate your menstrual cycle, making tracking your most fertile days easier. 

Treatments can also deliver stress-reducing benefits, helping you relax as you prepare for parenthood. Research suggests that acupuncture might also increase blood flow to your pelvic organs, helping them function optimally. 

Men can also benefit from acupuncture as they prepare to become parents. Treatments can improve sperm count and enhance sperm motility, increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.  

How often do I need to come in for women’s health treatments?

There’s no set schedule for women’s health treatments. Your journey is unlike that of any other woman. 

When you come in for your initial consultation, Dr. Shin sits down with you and explores what you hope to achieve and any challenges you face. This helps her create a customized treatment plan aligned with your needs. 

When you’re ready to start, call the friendly office staff at Alma Acupuncture to find a time that fits your schedule. You can also request an appointment online today.