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Migraines services offered in Bellmore, NY

Anyone who suffers from migraines understands just how disruptive these episodes can be. Help is available through the care of Dr. Ura Shin L.Ac, DTCM, of Alma Acupuncture in Bellmore, New York. Book a visit today to explore treatment options. Online scheduling is available around the clock, or you can always call the office during regular business hours. 

Migraines Q&A

How do I know if I’m experiencing migraines?

Many people think a migraine is just an extremely painful headache. In reality, migraines are a collection of neurological symptoms, one of which is head pain. 

Understanding the symptoms of migraines is a good way to know when to reach out for help. Some of the indications you might be having a migraine episode include:

  • Seeing bright flashes of light or flashing lights
  • Vision loss
  • Pain on one or both sides of your head
  • Throbbing or pulsating pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light or sound

Some people begin to notice symptoms like neck stiffness, constipation, or frequent yawning in the days leading up to a migraine. Others notice changes in the aftermath of a migraine, like feeling confused and drained or feeling elated for no reason. 

What are some natural treatments that can help with migraines?

There are several natural remedies for migraines. Acupuncture is a great example, and it works by inserting thin treatment needles into specific points along your body. 

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that these needles improve the flow of qi, your essential life force, throughout your body. Needles are commonly placed on your face and head but might also be inserted at other points along the body. 

Acupressure is another effective means of treating migraines. The techniques used in acupressure, or manual therapy, use the same points as acupressure. Instead of needles, however, Dr. Shin uses her fingers and hands to create pressure at those specific sites. 

When should I seek professional treatment for migraines?

It’s important not to wait to seek treatment for migraines. These episodes can be extremely painful and disruptive to your normal routines. 

For many, the anxiety brought on by worries about when the next migraine will strike is almost as detrimental as the migraine itself. Getting help ensures you’re able to move through your days without worry.

There’s no need to live with pain or fear when help is readily available. Schedule a time to come in and sit down with Dr. Shin to explore how natural healing can help you move beyond migraines. You can request an appointment by phone or online today.