
Manual Therapy

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Manual Therapy services offered in Bellmore, NY

If you’re searching for a natural treatment that doesn’t involve needles, manual therapy might be a great fit. Dr. Ura Shin L.Ac, DTCM, offers manual therapy (acupressure) through her work at Alma Acupuncture in Bellmore, New York. If you’re ready to learn more, call or reach out online to request a time to come in for a face-to-face consultation. 

Manual Therapy Q&A

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy is a form of Asian bodywork therapy used for thousands of years. Also called acupressure, manual therapy is based on ancient Chinese medicine and offers an alternative path to pain relief.

Acupressure uses the same guiding principles as acupuncture, but no needles are involved. Treatments focus on specific points in the body, all of which sit along the meridians, allowing organs and systems to facilitate communication throughout your body.

Chinese medicine holds that your body contains 12 meridians, all of which allow your essential life force (qi) to flow throughout. Your qi can become blocked or slowed, and acupressure helps restore proper flow. 

Western medicine acknowledges the power of acupressure but asserts that treatments improve circulation, stimulate endorphins, and reduce muscle tension, all of which create natural pain relief effects.   

How does manual therapy work?

When performing manual therapy, Ura begins with a discussion of your treatment needs and goals. This information helps her determine if acupressure is a good fit for you. 

During sessions, Dr. Shin uses her palms, fingers, and perhaps even elbows to create targeted pressure at your acupressure points. You’ll feel these manipulations, but there’s no pain. Many people report developing an almost immediate sensation of calm during acupressure sessions. 

Acupressure aims to restore and enhance balance between the opposing forces of yin and yang, which correspond to negative and positive energy. 

What are some good applications for manual therapy?

Acupressure is a versatile treatment that can address a wide range of health issues. Some of the conditions that respond well to manual therapy include:

  • Back pain 
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Motion sickness

The ability to help control nausea during pregnancy is why this treatment is so often included in women’s health treatments. 

Manual therapy has a lot to offer if you’re searching for a noninvasive treatment option that doesn’t include pharmaceutical intervention. Schedule a time to sit down with Dr. Ura Shin L.Ac, D-TCM to discuss the possibilities to help you start feeling better. 

Online booking is always available, or feel free to call the office during normal business hours to check appointment availability.