
Facial Acupuncture

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Facial Acupuncture services offered in Bellmore, NY

Self care doesn't have to stop after applying your favorite anti-wrinkle cream. It can be used in conjunction with facial acupuncture! It's also a safer option than surgery and also cost-effective. At Alma Acupuncture, New York, Dr. Ura Shin L.Ac, DTCM, offers facial acupuncture. Come in for a consultation to learn more. You can request a visit online or over the phone, so don’t delay.  


Facial Acupuncture Q&A

What is facial acupuncture?

Facial acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture, requires the insertion of needles into certain points along the face to help stimulate collagen production, reduce acne and reduce inflammation.

It is important to note that our complexion can be a reflection of how our internal systems are operating, so it is imperative that there is a comprehensive consultation for each facial acupuncture treatment.

What is a cosmetic acupuncture session like?

Your initial consultation will entail a detailed history of your sleep, digestion, menstruation cycle, diet, and energy levels. The holistic approach will certainly be applied to get a better sense of how your physical and mental state may be affecting your complexion. Then, the latter half of your treatment will consist of needles being inserted into specific areas to reinforce collagen or reduce inflammation. Also, many clients do experience relief of jaw tension.